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struct RtpcValue

A RTPC compatible value is used as a wrapper to hold property values * that can be linked to RTPCs.

A property value that can be linked to a RTPC can be either a single static value that never updates, or a curve and an RTPC value that is updated by the game. The curve is used here as a function that takes the current RTPC value and returns the parameter value.


Name Description
RtpcValue Creates an uninitialized RtpcValue object.
RtpcValue Creates a copy of the RtpcValue object.
~RtpcValue Destroys the RtpcValue object.
Init Creates a RtpcValue object with a static value.
Init Creates a RtpcValue object with a curve and an RTPC object.
Init Creates a RtpcValue object from an asset definition.
GetValue Gets the current RTPC value. For static values, this will always * return the value passed to the constructor or set from an asset definition.
IsStatic Checks if the RTPC value is static.

Function Details


[[nodiscard]] AmReal32 GetValue() const

Gets the current RTPC value. For static values, this will always * return the value passed to the constructor or set from an asset definition.

The current RTPC value.


void Init(AmReal32 value)

Creates a RtpcValue object with a static value.

Parameter value
The static value to set.

void Init(const Rtpc* rtpc, Curve* curve)

Creates a RtpcValue object with a curve and an RTPC object.

Parameter rtpc
The RTPC to link to.
Parameter curve
The curve to use.

void Init(const RtpcCompatibleValue* definition)

Creates a RtpcValue object from an asset definition.

Parameter definition
The RTPC-compatible value asset definition.


[[nodiscard]] bool IsStatic() const

Checks if the RTPC value is static.

true if the RTPC value is static, false otherwise.



Creates an uninitialized RtpcValue object.

An uninitialized RtpcValue object cannot be used to update values.

RtpcValue(const RtpcValue& other)

Creates a copy of the RtpcValue object.

Parameter other
The RtpcValue object to copy.



Destroys the RtpcValue object.