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class File

Base class for a file in a FileSystem.


Name Description
~File Default destructor.
GetPath Gets the path to the file in the loaded FileSystem.
Read8 Reads a single byte from the file in an AmUInt8.
Read16 Reads two bytes from the file in an AmUInt16.
Read32 Reads four bytes from the file in an AmUInt32.
Read64 Reads eight bytes from the file in an AmUInt64.
ReadString Reads a string from the file.
Write8 Writes a single byte to the file from an AmUInt8.
Write16 Writes two bytes to the file from an AmUInt16.
Write32 Writes four bytes to the file from an AmUInt32.
Write64 Writes eight bytes to the file from an AmUInt64.
WriteString Writes a string to the file.
Eof Checks if the read cursor is at the end of the file.
Read Reads data from the file.
Write Writes data to the file.
Length Gets the size of the file in bytes.
Seek Seeks the read/write to the specified offset.
Seek Seeks the read/write to the specified offset, starting at the given origin.
Position Gets the current position of the read/write cursor.
GetPtr Gets the pointer to the internal file handle.
IsValid Checks if the file is valid.

Function Details


virtual bool Eof() = 0

Checks if the read cursor is at the end of the file.

true if the read cursor is at the end of the file, false otherwise.


[[nodiscard]] virtual AmOsString GetPath() const = 0

Gets the path to the file in the loaded FileSystem.

The path to the file.


virtual AmVoidPtr GetPtr()

Gets the pointer to the internal file handle.

The internal file handle. This depends on the implementation.


[[nodiscard]] virtual bool IsValid() const = 0

Checks if the file is valid.

Validity of a file is determined by the underlying implementation. But this should primarily mean that the file exists AND has been opened.

true if the file is valid, false otherwise.


virtual AmSize Length() = 0

Gets the size of the file in bytes.

The size of the file in bytes.


virtual AmSize Position() = 0

Gets the current position of the read/write cursor.

The actual position of the read/write cursor.


virtual AmSize Read(AmUInt8Buffer dst, AmSize bytes) = 0

Reads data from the file.

Parameter dst
The destination buffer of the read data.
Parameter bytes
The number of bytes to read from the file. The destination buffer must be at least as large as the number of bytes to read.
The number of bytes read from the file.


AmUInt16 Read16()

Reads two bytes from the file in an AmUInt16.

The read value.


AmUInt32 Read32()

Reads four bytes from the file in an AmUInt32.

The read value.


AmUInt64 Read64()

Reads eight bytes from the file in an AmUInt64.

The read value.


AmUInt8 Read8()

Reads a single byte from the file in an AmUInt8.

The read value.


AmString ReadString()

Reads a string from the file.

The read value.


void Seek(AmSize offset)

Seeks the read/write to the specified offset.

Parameter offset
The offset in bytes from the beginning of the file.

virtual void Seek(AmInt64 offset, eFileSeekOrigin origin) = 0

Seeks the read/write to the specified offset, starting at the given origin.

Parameter offset
The offset in bytes from the beginning of the file.
Parameter origin
The origin from which to begin seeking.


virtual AmSize Write(AmConstUInt8Buffer src, AmSize bytes) = 0

Writes data to the file.

Parameter src
The source buffer of the data to write.
Parameter bytes
The number of bytes to write to the file. The source buffer must be at least as large as the number of bytes to write.
The number of bytes written to the file.


AmSize Write16(AmUInt16 value)

Writes two bytes to the file from an AmUInt16.

Parameter value
The value to write.


AmSize Write32(AmUInt32 value)

Writes four bytes to the file from an AmUInt32.

Parameter value
The value to write.


AmSize Write64(AmUInt64 value)

Writes eight bytes to the file from an AmUInt64.

Parameter value
The value to write.


AmSize Write8(AmUInt8 value)

Writes a single byte to the file from an AmUInt8.

Parameter value
The value to write.


AmSize WriteString(const AmString& value)

Writes a string to the file.

Parameter value
The value to write.


virtual ~File() = default

Default destructor.