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class PipelineInstance

Represents an instance of a pipeline for a specific layer.

A pipeline instance is created for each single layer in the mixer. Each pipeline instance manages its own state, and create a set of node instances following the provided configuration.


Name Description
~PipelineInstance Default constructor.
Execute Executes the pipeline for the given layer.
Reset Resets the internal state for all nodes in the pipeline.
GetNode Gets the node with the specified ID.

Function Details


virtual void Execute(const AudioBuffer& in, AudioBuffer& out) = 0

Executes the pipeline for the given layer.

Parameter in
The input buffer to process. This buffer is passed to the input node of the pipeline.
Parameter out
The output buffer where the output node will fill processed data.


* GetNode(AmObjectID id) const

Gets the node with the specified ID.

Parameter id
The ID of the node to retrieve.
The node with the specified ID, or nullptr if not found.


virtual void Reset() = 0

Resets the internal state for all nodes in the pipeline.


This method is called automatically when Amplimix has finished processing a frame for a specific layer. You should not manually call this method, unless you know what you're doing.


virtual ~PipelineInstance() = default

Default constructor.