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For Amplitude's new users, we highly recommend reading this Concepts documentation page, as it describes the internal of the audio engine. If you just want to set up your environment, you can skip this part and go to the Installation.

This page describes the different components of the library, and how they are interacting together.

flowchart TB
  subgraph sources[Audio Files]
  subgraph codecs[Audio Codecs]
  subgraph game[Game]
  subgraph sounds[Sound Objects]
    direction LR
    subgraph sound_objects[Containers]
  subgraph channels[Channels]
  subgraph sound_instances[Sound Instances]
  subgraph buses[Buses]
  subgraph amplimix[Amplimix]
    mixer_layer1[[Mixer Layer]]
    mixer_layer2[[Mixer Layer]]
    mixer_layer3[[Mixer Layer]]
    mixer_layer4[[Mixer Layer]]
    mixer_layer5[[Mixer Layer]]
  subgraph drivers[Audio Drivers]
  source1 -.-> codec1
  codec1 --> sound1
  rtpc -.-> sound1
  rtpc -.-> sound_object1
  rtpc -.-> sound_object2
  switch1 -.-> sound_object2
  switch2 -.-> sound_object2
  sound1 --> sound_object1
  sound1 --> sound_object2
  sound_object1 --> channel1
  sound_object2 --> channel2
  sound1 --> channel3
  channel1 --> sound_instance1
  channel1 --> sound_instance2
  channel2 --> sound_instance3
  channel2 --> sound_instance4
  channel3 --> sound_instance5
  sound_instance2 -.-> bus1
  sound_instance1 -.-> bus1
  sound_instance4 -.-> bus1
  sound_instance5 -.-> bus2
  sound_instance3 -.-> bus2
  bus1 -.->|RealChannel| mixer_layer1
  bus1 -.->|RealChannel| mixer_layer2
  bus1 -.->|RealChannel| mixer_layer3
  bus2 -.->|RealChannel| mixer_layer4
  bus2 -.->|RealChannel| mixer_layer5
  mixer_layer1 --> pipeline
  mixer_layer2 --> pipeline
  mixer_layer3 --> pipeline
  mixer_layer4 --> pipeline
  mixer_layer5 --> pipeline
  pipeline --> mixer
  mixer --> driver2
  driver2 -.-> device[/Audio Device/]

Audio Files and Codecs

Through its Codec API (extensible via plugins), Amplitude is able to read any audio file and to convert it to a sound object. An audio file can be read only if the Engine have a registered codec supporting it.

According to the sound object definition, audio files can be streamed at runtime or preloaded. Each codec implementation must always read audio samples as 32-bit floating integer (AmReal32), since it is the default sample format used in the Engine.

At the moment, Amplitude comes shipped with the following codecs:

  • WAV, a lossy audio codec.
  • MP3, a lossy audio codec.
  • AMS (Amplitude Audio Sample), a WAV-like codec built for Amplitude. It uses a high quality ADPCM compression.

Additional codecs are available via plugins:

  • FLAC, a lossless audio codec.
  • OGG, a lossy audio codec.


The AMS codec implementation is subject to changes.

You can implement your own codec and register it to the Engine by following this tutorial.

Game Objects

Amplitude synchronizes itself with the game using game objects. The list of available game objects are:

  • SwitchState: represents a single state in a SwitchContainer.
  • RTPC: represents a real-time parameter control, that maps values from your game to values in the engine.
  • Entity: represents a game entity, used to place a sound object in the 2D/3D environment of the game, and then provide position, velocity, orientation and other information to the wrapped sound object.
  • Listener: represents a listener in the game. A listener is an object that is able to hear the sound objects. A game should have at least one Listener to let Amplitude render spatial audio.

Sound Objects

A sound object in Amplitude is the source of audio samples. You can apply playback actions to the sound at runtime (play, pause, stop, seek). Amplitude has two categories of sound objects:

  • Standalone Sound Objects: A standalone sound object is a sound object which is not part of a Container. They can create a directly linked to a SoundInstance and a Codec.
  • Containers: A Container is a special sound object able to contain other sound objects. It can overwrite some properties of contained sound objects (like gain, or priority) and is responsible to manage which of the contained sound objects are playing, and when.

From those categories, we have the following list of sound objects:

  • Sound: The most basic sound object. A Sound is a standalone sound object, then, it is directly linked to a Codec, and it is responsible to load and stream sound data.
  • Collection: A Collection is a container sound object, and is like its name says, a collection of Sounds. The Collection has the particularity to pick and play a single Sound through its Scheduler each time it receives a play request. A Collection cannot play more than one Sound at the same time.
  • SwitchContainer: A SwitchContainer is a container sound object which contains Sounds or Collections. It mixes and play contained sound objects according to SwitchStates. Sound objects registered inside a switch container for a specific switch state are played only when this switch state is active. Unlike collections, switch containers can play more than one sound object at the same time.

Each sound object is created through a JSON configuration file which should match a specific flatbuffer schema for the sound object.


A channel is the user interface between sound objects and Amplimix. When playing a sound object, the Engine will return a channel. That channel will then internally instantiate a SoundInstance, and be linked to a Bus. It's through a channel that you can play, pause and stop a sound object, and also control its properties, like the gain, or the location (for world scoped sound objects).

In Amplitude, the maximum number of channels is limited, and determined at the Engine initialization. That number is the sum of the number of active channels and the number of virtual channels, which are both defined in the engine configuration file.

Amplitude will manage the prioritization of sound objects and will automatically drop the least important channels when too many sound objects are playing simultaneously. This is reason behind the concept of active and virtual channels. The active channels are the channels which are actually playing and rendering audio, while the virtual channels are also playing audio but are not rendering it, and are only used to track low priority sounds which are still playing.

When requesting to play a sound object:

  1. The Engine will pick a channel in the list of free active channels.
  2. If there is no free channel, the Engine will pick a channel in the list of free virtual channels.
  3. If there is still no free channel, the Engine will drop the least important sound object.
  4. If the sound object to play is actually the one with the lowest priority, it will not be played.

Sound Instances

The SoundInstance is the real place where the Engine is consuming audio data for mixing. When playing a same sound object multiple times, multiple sound instances will be created for each play request, but all of them will share the same audio data since it belong to that sound object. Sound instances only shares audio data, and not properties like gain, pan, pitch, location, or priority which are instead managed through the Channel in which they are playing.

It's only in cases of streamed audio that each sound instance own the audio data.


The Bus is used to adjust the gain of a group of sound instances in tandem. They are created before the Engine initialization with the buses configuration file. Any number of buses can be created.

It's inside the sound object definition file that you specify on which bus it has to be played on. Example buses might be music, ambient_sound, sound_effects or voice_overs.

A bus has the particularity to optionally have other buses as child buses, which means that all changes to that bus' gain level affect all children of that bus as well. There should always be a single master bus, with name master, and with ID 1. This is the root bus from which all other buses descend. The engine will fail to initialize if the master bus is not found.

A bus may also define duck_buses, which are buses that will lower in volume when a sound is played on that first bus. For example, a designer might want to have background sound effects and music lower in volume when an important dialog is playing. To do this the sound_effect and music buses would be added in the list of duck_buses children of the dialog bus.

Real Channels

Real Channels are internally managed channels which communicate directly with Amplimix. They are created for each active channel and used only when the channel is rendering audio.


Amplimix is the part of Amplitude doing sound mixing. It is composed of two (02) components linked together to render audio: the mixer layers, and the pipeline.

Mixer Layers

A Mixer Layer is responsible to consume audio data from sound instances and provide it to the Amplimix Pipeline. A mixer layer stores, for a unique sound instance, the related state for its playback, like the current position of the cursor, the current gain, the current pan, the current pitch, and the current sample rate converter.

Amplimix have a maximum of 4096 mixer layers, which is the maximum number of sound instances that can be played simultaneously.


The Pipeline is used to process the sound before the mixer get the final output to render on the device. It's in the pipeline that Amplitude process sound spatialization, effects, obstruction, occlusion and more.

The pipeline is a node-graph built with connected Node instances. Amplitude comes shipped with a list of predefined nodes to achieve high-quality spatialization, but you are completely able to build your own pipeline nodes through plugins and register them into the engine.

Pipelines are created using pipeline assets, and registered through the engine configuration file.

Audio Drivers

The Driver is used to render the audio data on the device. It should assume the entire responsibility to convert the input data (the processed data from Amplimix) to the output format required by the device. That output format includes the number of channels, the sample rate, the sample format, and the number of samples per output.

The default driver provided by Amplitude is built on top of the MiniAudio library, and allows Amplitude to run on every all available platforms.

Audio Device

The audio Device renders audio. Amplitude has a copy of the current audio device description in the DeviceDescription stored in Amplimix. The device description gives the user requested audio format (copied from configuration files), and the actual audio format that the device is expecting. It's to the Driver implementation to fill the device description in Amplimix with the obtained values from the audio device.

Amplimix will process the audio using the user requested format, and let to the driver the responsibility to convert the data to the device audio format.